Thursday, 26 March 2020

Week 1 of Corona Virus/ Covid 19 School break

On Monday this week I was not at school because I was sick but when school finished my friend texted me saying there was no more school for a month or so. But of course I already knew because my mum had been watching the news all day to get updates of covid 19. In the blogs I'm posting what I'm doing in my spare time. Each post is through out the week.


DAY 1 Today when I woke up (7:30) I text my friend to see what she was doing today she said her mum is making her and her brother do school work, she didn't want to do it. I was planning to do work today anyway so I said I would do work with her. I started at 8:00 and went till 10:00 non stop (I think that was the time but I defiantly started at 8:00 ) I did math and reading. After that I watched a movie, half way through my big sister came around to self isolate with my family because she doesn't live with us and my mum broke her arm so my dad asked her to come to help out. I've already gotten bored of not being at school. And that's how my day went.

DAY 2 Today I didn't do much I didn't do any school work because I was cleaning the house because when I'm bored I clean. After that my dad and sister asked me if I wanted to go to the river I said yes because today s the last day of freedom until lock down. At the river mouth we skimmed rocks and every time I did it they said the didn't see. That's how my day went.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Corona Virus/ Covid 19

Corona Virus

Q/How do you feel about the Corona Virus?
A/Kinda worried for my family

Q/How has the Corona Virus impacted on you?
A/My sports and events have been cancelled

Q/What can you do to help your family with the Corona Virus?
A/Sanitise my hands and don't breath on them

Q/Name 2 things you need to do so you don’t contact the Corona Virus?
A/Hand Sanitise and no people interaction

Q/What are 10 items you will need to be prepared for the Corona Virus?

  1. A/Toilet paper
  2. Hand sanitise
  3. Water
  4. Food
  5. Bedding things
  6. Clothes
  7. Masks
  8. Computer
  9. A plan
  10. Toiletries

Monday, 9 March 2020

S.S Otaki Commeration Service

S.S Otaki Commoration Service

Today ( Monday the 9th of March) we had the Otaki commoration service, when 7 old men who were in the war came to our school to talk to us. The first thing we did was stand up and sing the national anthem, we had the song lyrics in our hands. After that the 7 old men talked to us about what happened in the war and what kind of frightening things they had to do and see. One of them said that the most people didn't believe him when he said that the waves were up 60 feet tall, and that the ship could either go in the water and sink or go on the rough waves.

We sang 2 songs (that I forgot the name of). There were a lot of people there like the German Ambassador, Vice President of the Rotary, captain of the Otaki shipping company and others. Some  music played and kids from the college came up with wreaths to give to the people that came and had something to do with the S.S Otaki commoration. After everything was finished a man who was playing the bag pipes lead the official party out the door. That was the end of the S.S Otaki Commoration service.