What happened this week with our Power to the people project.
What have you achieved since the last post?
Our group interviewed two people (Ian and Colin from school) on Monday to ask about the schools heating bill and how many radiators/ heat pumps our school has. I did all the talking in the interview while the other group members took notes.
How effectively have you used your time in class?
My group and I have done work in class 3 quarters of the time, the other quarter we've spent taking breaks to keep our ideas fresh.
How have you contributed to your group's progress this week?
I started our Radiators slideshow, asked Ian and Colin questions and used my phone to record our vlogs.
Something going well in your group?
Everyone is working well together and we have all been in agreement over where our project is going.
Something not working well?
Our group gets distracted very easily meaning we're not doing as much work as we could be doing.
Everyday we've been filming a vlog and at the end of the project our group is going to post it on our blogs.