Wednesday 19 September 2018

My letter to the council about the windmill moving next door to me.

Dear Council,
 I’m Jeana Bevan and I don’t want the windmills to be built next door to me.

Firstly my view will be blocked.
I will be bothered and uptight because my view is good now, and later it will look terrible and I don’t want it. So I don’t want to see windmills when I look out the window every time. If there is a sky show how will I see it or hear it. So if I can’t see anything I won’t be that happy that much.

Obviously my health will be bad. At night I might not be able to sleep because of the noise of the windmills, in the morning I will feel grouchy, beat and drained. So do you want to be  grouchy, beat and drained in the morning.

Lastly it will harm the environment birds won't come any more because the windmills are to high and loud. Sheep won’t come because it will be to rowdy. So no animals will be here for my children to pat. If some do come they will leave pretty fast. I am outraged with this.

There is nothing good about the windmills so do not build them by my house. Otherwise this will have to go further.

Regards Jeana

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