Tuesday 17 December 2019

2019 Day3, Week1, Scaling New Heights - Jeana

In this activity I had to pick a charity then explain what it does so I picked S.P.C.A (The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated) because it is such a AWESOME charity. This charity takes all kinds of animals in and cares for them!!! When they find animals in the wild they take them in there shelter which is kinda like a homeless shelter but for animals. They also take in animals that have been treated bad by their previous owners. When you go to the S.P.C.A you can buy any type of pet they have there. We got my cat Hokey Pokey (he is a ginger cat) at the S.P.C.A. They have 38 S.P.C.A's in New Zealand. If you want to know more then go on the website here is the LINK


  1. Kia Ora Jeana,

    You have done an incredible job outlining what the SPCA stands for and what they do! It’s an amazing organisation and you’ve really done them justice in this post.

    I particularly like how you’ve attached a link, it’s very clever. I also like that this charitable organisation is one close to your heart with you having adopted Hokey Pokey from there. My brother and sister and I adopted our wee kitten from the SPCA. His name is Hoshi and he’s black and white. He has a sweet calm nature, and we’ve taught him how to shake hands, which is a great party trick!

    Do you have any other pets? What are their names?

    It would be really awesome if you could include pictures or colours into your post to really engage your readers. Perhaps you could look at these tips for making eye catching blog posts to help or grab some inspiration.

    Hei konā mai,

    1. Hi Shannon

      Sorry I didn't see this replay and yes I do have other pets. My dog Mac who is a doberman and my black cat Nemo

  2. Hi Jeana,

    My name is Cheryl and I am the Education Coordinator at SPCA. I just wanted to know that the staff here at SPCA love your blog post!

    Your passion and enthusiasm for SPCA is very clear in your writing and it was so nice to hear that you gave Hokey Pokey a loving, forever home. That is the perfect name for a ginger cat!

    Since you are interested in animals and their welfare, you may want to take a look at SPCA's Kids’ Portal (https://kids.spcaeducation.org.nz/). Here you can read more about SPCA, learn about animal care, download instructions for DIY enrichment toys, watch videos, and test your knowledge with the quizzes. There is even a space for you to share your work and send our SPCA Expert any questions you have about SPCA, animal welfare, and responsible animal guardianship (ownership).

    Additionally, a new component of the Kids’ Portal is our Kind Matters newsletter. New issues are published each school term and are filled with animal-related facts, stories, activities, crafts, tips and most exciting of all – a competition! Right now we’re holding a “Caption This Photo” Competition. If you’d like to enter, you can find all of the details in issue 7 (November ’19) here: https://kids.spcaeducation.org.nz/newsletter/

    Thank you for teaching people about SPCA through your blog. If you have any animal welfare and SPCA questions, please feel free to email education@spca.nz and we would be happy to answer them for you!

    Have a great day!

    Kind regards,


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