Monday 6 September 2021

My Animals

 I have a cat named Hokey Pokey and this is all the information about him!

His name: Hokey Pokey

Gender: Male

Age: 2 & half years old       

Breed: Ginger

Colour: Ginger

What my cat likes to do: Eating Temptations and sleeping on my head at night

What my cat dislikes to do: Getting woken up

Favourite food: Temptations

Habits: Catching birds and mice

Favourite place: Our roof

Special information:  He LOVES climbing trees. This is him


His name: Mac

Gender: Male

Age: 11

Breed: Doberman

Colour: Black & Brown

What my dog likes doing: Barking at everything

What my dog dislikes doing: Getting woken up

Favourite: Bone

Habits: Licking his leg

Favourite place: His bed

Special info: He runs into walls all the time


  1. Hokey Pokey is gorgeous, love the pik. If it was my cat bringing mice I would be terrified.

  2. Hi Jeana.

    I think you did a very good job on this. I know your pets and this is all very true.


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