Monday 25 May 2020

Going On The Radio

 This is a really important event for me because it was a life time opportunity. Unless your work is talking on a radio. On the 4th of March 2019 I went on the radio. I was promoting Skids (Safe Kids In Daily Supervision) a before and after school programme that looks after kids. I was on radio specifically to promote the cooking class after school. I was on radio New Zealand, the person who was talking was Kathryn Ryan. I had to make a rap selfie of her while I was talking into the mic. Here's what I made
Jeana's selfie wrap of Kathryn RyanThis is the link if you want to listen to it And this is the article


  1. Bonjour Jeana
    I remember when you went on the radio and the whole class listened to it.
    Food face art looks fun to do. I agree that this is a once in a life time opportunity (unless its your job).
    Stay safe.
    Your bff Jorgia

  2. Hey Jorgia
    Thanks and also sorry the links don't work.
    Your BFF Jeana


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments. 
Positive - something I have done well.
Thoughtful - a sentence or more that  lets me know you that you read/watched or listened to what I had to say.
Helpful - please give me some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about.