Monday 11 May 2020

Word Art

Word art

When our teacher said we were going to go on word art and make art with words I was really excited because I love using word art. It's when you get a shape and put words in it. You can change the font, shape and the colour of the words. We had to describe our self and things that make us happy. here is what I did, Here are all the words I put in
Softball: makes me happy
Singing: makes me happy
Dancing: makes me happy
Ice-Cream: makes me happy
Creative: describing me
Brave: describing me
Loving: describing me
WEIRD: describing me
Dream: is a word I like
France: is a place I want to go
French: is a language I am learning
JEANA: is my name                                                                          

1 comment:

  1. My first impression when I saw your word art was 'WOW.' The colours and font you have used for your words really standout. Hmm, is this your first time doing it? Great work Jeana.


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