Monday 23 September 2019

My T3 W7 Reflection

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

Myths and legends,reading eggs/ homophones ,language group,, mathletics ,prototec, talent show, fio, holes activities, fancy dress practice, waita/song,making art. And measurement.

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?  why? 

I finished my favourite holes activity that’s been waiting for me to finish since forever.

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?Why? not

I didn’t do much teachers work. because our class had relevers for 3 days and the relevers had their own work. So I couldn’t do my teachers assigned work.

Green hat - what can you do better next week  

I can try to finish all my teachers assigned work by the end of the week.

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Positive - something I have done well.
Thoughtful - a sentence or more that  lets me know you that you read/watched or listened to what I had to say.
Helpful - please give me some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about.